Friday, July 1


just a few empty seats today at OU...

We parked in the shadow of Oklahoma Memorial Stadium  to check out the OU campus. The stadium gates were open, so we decided to walk in, and Blythe walked all the way down onto the field, in front of 82,112 empty seats. We weren't too impressed with the campus in our short drive around, very little architectural "style" to be seen. I guess that figures when the Architecture School is located underneath the stadium stands.
so Blythe could get onto Owen Field
We made quick work of the sights in Oklahoma City - State Capitol Building...check.
You can actually SEE the heat - the Capitol is actually dark brown

Gold Dome..check. (yes, it really looks like that)

Murrah Building site...check. 

Bricktown and the Canal...check. 
the raging Canal Falls of Oklahoma City
Actually, Bricktown is kind of cool, reworking and restoring 100 year-old warehouses, much like the West End we saw yesterday in Dallas.
The Canal is a nice little walk thru this restored area
Not sure who this represents - maybe he's trying to push the heat away...
The Oklahoma City National Memorial (Murrah Building site) is a somber place; the reflecting pool and empty chairs, representing those who were killed in the bombing, are very nicely done. We passed on the Museum, feeling no need to go back over the right-wing craziness that led to that awful event.
A thought-provoking installation
Quick funny note: while escaping from the heat in Bricktown we walked through this indoor "marketplace" and I saw this photo - kind of a bad spelling error to make! If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times: it's Pittsburgh with an "H"!

We are done with the sort driving days, unfortunately, and have a 540-mile day on tap for tomorrow, all the way to Albuquerque. So we have to hit the sack, and we will talk to you later!